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Our Pilots and Crew

We are beyond excited to introduce our incredible pilots and crew! Our talented pilots will keep our DX friends from all corners of the globe updated on the expedition through social media and various DX Summits. And our invaluable crew will be there every step of the way assisting with logistics, antenna and transceiver installation, and other technical tasks. Get ready to join us on an unforgettable adventure!

OM Budi Santoso YE1AR has been a member of ORARI since 1987 and is an accomplished DXer. He holds 8-Band DXCC, DXCC Challenge 1500, RSGB Marathon Plaque, and RRC Best IOTA Plaque. With experience operating from over 50 islands and 20 lighthouses, he is a highly skilled professional in his field. Currently, he serves as the Community Activity Head at ORARI HQ and is the pilot and operator for our upcoming Ketawai expedition for DXers outside of the USA.

Wow, have you heard about OM Steve Busono W2FB? He's now living in the beautiful state of New Jersey, USA! Not only is he a member of the North Jersey DX Association, but he's also the letter manager for W2 QSL Bureau and has helped with QSLing for numerous DX stations. And guess what? He's the pilot for our upcoming Ketawai expedition for U.S based DXers! We're so excited to have him on!

We are thrilled to have OM Zunelfi, MR YC4IDY on our team! He has been a dedicated member of ORARI since 2007 and is an expert in various modes of DX and electronics. His computer interfaces for different transceiver brands are widely used by local and international Hams. With his expertise, he will be an invaluable asset to our team in setting up transceivers to laptops and troubleshooting any issues that may arise

OM Zulkarnian YE4HJL joined ORARI in 1996! He is an accomplished DXer with an invaluable knowledge of antennas that helps the team set up the transceivers for operations. Not only that, but he is also involved in the expedition logistics, including transportation over land and sea, accommodations, and food. We are lucky to have a talented and dedicated team member!

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